In todays hustle bustle world of faster this and faster that and non-stop sensory assault sometimes we fail to step back and see all that we have to be thankful for in our lives.
Ephesians 5:20 tells us to “Always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “ Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
I’m thankful for: (In no particular order)
FAMILY – They are always there. They love me unconditionally like Christ loves the church
FRIENDS – They are always there when I need them and always there when I need someone to talk to
MY KIDS and STEP KIDS – There are always a constant source of entertainment and amusement. They are also a constant test of patience forgiveness both of which I am sure God uses them to test me and work on me with.
MY WIFE – Also a constant source of entertainment but she is truly always there for me and always has my back no matter what. She makes our house a home and always goes above and beyond to make sure everyone has what they need. I truly thank God every day for blessing me with such an amazing woman.
MY HEALTH – I have no major health issues and am not constantly sick. That is definitely something to thankful for especially in the age of covid.
THE EARTH – For giving us good soil to plant in, the rain to water the plants, and giving us the food that we eat.
AMERICA – A much more free country than many…though I fear it gets less and less every day. For now we have freedom of religion so that I can share God’s Word and have church and this podcast. In many countries you would fear prison or death for such a thing.
OUR SOLDIERS, VETERANS, and THEIR FAMILIES – So many sacrifice and give so much (even their lives in many cases) so that we can continue to enjoy these freedoms that we have.
OUR HEALTHCARE WORKERS and FIRST RESPONDERS – Who put so many others well being before themselves and put themselves in harms way to help.
THE FARMER – Who raises the food that we, or at least I, enjoy so much. Who labors day after day to feed the world.
THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD – Who help produce, manufacture, and sell the products that we use and consume as well as the services we use.
THE TRUCK DRIVERS – Who spend so much time away from family and friends to deliver the products that we use and consume.
Last but by no means least…actually greatest of all…I am thankful for Jesus Christ for dying for my sins even though I was not worth of His Grace and God for everything he has ever given me…good or bad because I either reveled in it or I learned from it but either way I benefitted from it.
This is by no means a complete list for I have left out many things and many people. All of the things and people I am thankful for could not be covered in one podcast. This is merely a conversation starter or a thought provoker. Take time out of your day…each and every day to find everything there is to be thankful for. Make thanksgiving a daily ritual and not a yearly holiday. A thankful heart is a happy heart.
So next time you are in the grocery store and you see the person stocking the shelves tell them thank you. When you see a truck driver, nurse, firefighter, police officer, postal worker, etc. tell them thank you for all they do for you and everybody else. You might just put a smile on someone’s face and they just might pay it forward. What a beautiful thing that would be.
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